Aloha Kakou:
Anyone can get from San Francisco to Honolulu. Just jump on a plane and, in five hours, you've crossed the Pacific. If you're Roz Savage, though, you'd rather do it one stroke at time.
Roz arrived in Honolulu on September 1, 99 days after leaving San Francisco in her specially designed boat. She spent the entire time alone, using a radio transmitter to send her blog to her mom, who updated that and her podcasts every day.
Roz's estimates her she took one million strokes to cross the Pacific Ocean. She's already crossed the Atlantic Ocean solo in 2005, the first women ever to do so. Now she's aiming to be the first woman to row solo across the Pacific.
After a break of about six months, Roz will continue her journey, first to Tuvalu and then finally to Cairns, Australia. Roz hopes her record-breaking attempt will highlight the vital importance of marine conservation and the scale of the crisis facing the world’s oceans.
And to think that I have trouble driving from Wailuku to Kaanapali every morning! You've got to admire her strength and commitment, that's for sure!
Check out her website at rozsavage.com and be sure to look at Rowing as Metaphor, her very inspiring blog entry for today.
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