Monday, December 8, 2008

Year of the Naycation

Aloha Kakou:

Christopher Elliot outlines here his crystal ball view of travel in 2009. His belief is that, due to the economy and the airlines, people may opt to stay home next year. He also mentions that travelers may be waiting to see if "good travel deals" materialize after the holidays.

Additionally, many people are thinking and planning already for 2010.

Elliot says, "So how does this affect your next vacation? If you’re brave enough to take one, expect lots of too-good-to-be true deals. Even the smallest vacation budget might be rewarded with a wonderful experience."

Further, he says, "Put differently, 2009 may be the year of the “naycation” for everyone else — but for you, it could be the year you take your best vacation ever."

Maybe it's not all doom and gloom after all.

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