The US Postal Service today previewed a stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood. The stamp will be released later this summer and will be available at your local US post office.
The stamp was designed by Hawaii artist Herb Kawainui Kane. You can see more of his work here: http://herbkaneart.com/
I cannot spell the name but we biked down the Maui volcano. Was an awesome experience.
Aloha AAI:
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed your time here on Maui.
Regarding Hawaiian names, use this easy pronunciation guide:
A - sounds like "ahh"
E - sounds like "a", as in letter "a"
I - sounds like "e", as in letter "e"
O - sounds like "oh"
U - sounds like "ew"
Hawaiian word are easy to pronounce and spell if you go every two letters, so Haleakala is
HA - ha
LE - lay
A - ah
KA - ka
LA - la
Using the "two letter rule" you'll be correct about 90% of the time. The most notable exceptions are Wai and Kai, (Water and Ocean), pronounced "why" and "khy".
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