Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not Vog, Fog

Aloha Kakou:

Well, the vog has lifted but more doom-and-gloom has settled in, hopefully just for the short term.

Yesterday's financial news hit Hawaii hard, as evidenced by this article in today's Honolulu Advertiser: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080916/NEWS01/809160372/1001

I continue to remain hopeful that, given stable world oil prices and a new president who hits the ground running, 2009 will have to be better than 2008. But my crystal ball is no longer under warranty and, given yesterday's news, we need to be ready for anything and be able to turn on a dime. We are continuing to adjust our packages and programs for next year based on the our on-the-books numbers and on our projected occupancy.

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