Saturday, October 31, 2009

Travel Weekly Mention

Aloha Kakou:

Outrigger Maui Eldorado was mentioned in this week's Travel Weekly as part of an article about travel agent perks. The article mentions our $50 booking bonus.


Friday, October 30, 2009

On To G

Aloha Kakou:

Powerwashing was begun on G building today as the painters put the finishing details on F. Additionally, Outrigger owners lanai furniture has been stored in their units for safekeeping. The backplates for the new sconces have been in place already for several weeks. A few owners are ensconced in G and I'm sure they can hardly wait for Monday's masking to be followed by the painting festivities of next week.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Completion Of F & A Few Miscellaneous Items

Aloha Kakou:

With the painting of the unit front doors and the stairway handrails this morning, the bulk of the painting work has been completed in the F building. This afternoon, painters worked on various projects on other buildings, including beginning to clean up some minor spalling in E building.

AOAO Maintenance has been working to finish the Futurastone sealing in B and E building, as you can see below.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Moving Right Along

Aloha Kakou:

The small size of F building means that the painters are moving quickly to finish the entire building by Friday. Masking has been removed from the lanai windows and railings. The painters are today painting the dark brown trim around the service lanai doors and they are putting the finishing touches on the eaves. Good thing we have professionals on the job - I'd hate to be the one standing on that ladder!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

F Building Almost Done?!

Aloha Kakou:

It's hard to believe that the painters are already removing the masking from the F building. While the painters are continuing to paint in the courtyard area, the rest of the building has most of the spray paint finished. The sconce back plates have been installed with the lens waiting to be added. The painters have begun the detail brushwork as well as work on prepping the eave facias.

September Visitors Up, Spending Down

Aloha Kakou:

Visitor arrivals to Hawaii were up 7.2% this September compared to last but visitor expenditures were down by 3% during the same period.

Hotel rate reductions were cited as the main reason for the decline in spending, according to Mike McCartney, HTA president and chief executive officer.

Monday, October 26, 2009

E & F Building Painting

Aloha Kakou:

The painters have pretty much finished E building. The masking has mostly been removed, the new sconces are hung and the lanai furniture has been replaced, giving the building an air of normalcy after the two weeks of painting.

In the meantime, the painters have moved on to the F building. Powerwashing was accomplished last week and today they have begun the masking process. This week's schedule also includes touch-up item on previously painted buildings; the F building, being as small as it is, hopefully will allow for revisiting areas that require retouching.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Consumers Less Green At Hotels

Aloha Kakou:

A new survey suggests that while people may engage in environmentally friendly behavior at home, far fewer are so inclined while staying in a hotel.

According to this article, "As for their home versus hotel behavior, close to 60 percent of respondents recycle paper products at home, but only 30 percent recycle them while at a hotel. Sixty percent of respondents conserve water at home, but less than 40 percent do so at a hotel. Eighty percent of respondents conserve energy at home, but only 40 percent save energy while at a hotel."

While we would like to think that our guests at the Outrigger Maui Eldorado might be a little more concerned about the environment, especially given our location on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the reality is that most guests pay only lip service to environmental issues while they are on vacation.

What They're Saying About The Competition

30 31

Aloha Kakou:

Please take a look at this article that appeared in this week's Travel Weekly about our neighbor to the north.

Eco-nomics - worth pursuing here at the Outrigger Maui Eldorado? If so, the AOAO needs to know your thoughts.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla

Aloha Kakou:

You may be interested in reading about this new tack being taken by Expedia. It would seem that Expedia is trying to exact promises from hotel companies for them to remain on Expedia's web site. Those promises include exclusive rates, last room availability and penalties to properties who do not use Expedia 100% of the time. The latest player in this saga, Choice Hotels, would not agree to Expedia's egregious terms and thus Expedia has deleted all of Choices properties from their web site.

How this will play out in the future is any one's guess but I can advise you that Outrigger Hotels has had a long history of rate transparency. Each one of our wholesale partners receives the same net rates. Our retail rates are the same, no matter which channel guests book through. Rate parity and transparency is the only way to go to be fair to the guests and to all of the wholesalers. How those wholesale partners choose to make their money is then up to them.

Friday, October 23, 2009

E Building Almost Complete

Aloha Kakou:

With the bulk of the painting finished, today the painters turned to the doors and trim, which are being painted with the oil-based dark brown color. While the pictures look like there may be quite a bit to do to finish up, many hands make light work and I expect that the E building will be ready for occpancy by Monday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

E Touch Up & Eave Fascia

Aloha Kakou:

With most of the spray work finished, the painters have turned their attention to the fascia board and the touching up of the areas of overspray. Most of the masking has been removed and it looks as though they're well on their way to being finished (at least with the most disruptive portion of the job) by the end of the day on Friday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's E Building Painting

Aloha Kakou:

The crew is still hard at it in the E building, with some of the painters working on the light brown body color and others painting the medium brown first floor columns and second floor body color. And, they're still masking - they've got most of the building covered but there's still a little left to do near 100 and 102. Likewise, most of the stairs still need to be masked. It seems like they're making good progress and, with the weather forecast to be typical Maui weather, hopefully they'll be finished with most of the building by Friday.

Hawaii Occupany and Room Rates

Aloha Kakou:

In case you hadn't noticed, the Hawaii Hotel Occupancy link in the Links You Might Enjoy section (to your right, there) gives you occupancies and room rates, by island, for the previous week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

E Building Progress

Aloha Kakou:

Masking and painting are happening simultaneously on the E building today. Most of the crew is masking railings and 2nd floor lanai floors. Meanwhile, one of the painters is busy spraying paint on the mauka end. The E building is bigger than it looks and they'll have to hustle to get the whole thing done by Friday. Meanwhile, the AOAO crew is working on refinishing the Futurastone on the C building's service lanai (sorry, no photos of them working today).