Aloha Kakou:
While 49 states will be switching from analog to high definition television in February, Hawaii's switch will come a month earlier.
Maui's analog television transmitters are located at the summit of Haleakala, where the uau, or dark rumped petrel, an endangered species of bird, begins to nest in February.
By disconnecting the summit analog transmitters at noon Jan. 15, contractors will have two or three weeks to remove the antennas before the ground burrowing birds begin their nesting season.
With the switchover coming so close behind the Christmas season, the supply of televisions on Maui may be in very short supply on Maui in January and February. If the sets you have in your unit cease functioning, it may not be possible to buy suitable replacements in a timely manner. You may wish to talk to Kanani or Leamar to make sure you have up-to-date televisions so you aren't caught with your unit out of order since it has no working television.